Did You Know

Electrical and Plumbing/Gas Work: In Bourne, to get a plumbing/gas or electrical inspection, you MUST have a licensed person get a permit and call for the inspection. 
Pictures of Electrical Underground installations are NOT ACCEPTABLE unless specifically allowed by the electrical inspector. Apply here: https://bournema.viewpointcloud.com/ 

Required Permits: Building permits are required for: roofing, siding, decks, sheds over 200sf, fences, windows, exterior doors, wood/pellet stoves, finishing a basement, tents, pools/hot tubs, solar, and so much more! Just ask. Apply here: https://bournema.viewpointcloud.com/

Under 75sf can go up to the property line (side & rear only. Street setbacks need to be observed), over 75sf need to meet setbacks of 12'-15' depending on your lot.  If under 200sf, you only need to submit a shed registration and a plot plan - no fee. Over 200sf require a permit and fee. https://bournema.viewpointcloud.com/

Fences (Section 3500):
You need a permit for ANY fence. It can't be any higher than 6' off the ground, it Must be entirely on your side of the property line (we recommend 1' in for maintenance reasons), and there is no "good side/bad side". The permit fee is $35. Apply here: https://bournema.viewpointcloud.com/
Corner Visibility: At corners, no fence, wall, hedge or other obstruction shall be allowed to block vision between 2.5 and 8 feet above the street grade within an area formed by the intersecting street lines and a straight line joining points on said street lines 20 feet back from thier point of intersection.