Design Review Committee



The Design Review Committee (DCR) reviews development and sign applications in the Downtown District of Bourne. The DCR makes recommendations to the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Select Board on matters of architectural and design concerns in the review of applications for special permits and site plan reviews within the Downtown District. Architectural and design concerns shall include, but not be limited to, site design, building size and placement, design compatibility, exterior appearance, construction materials, finishes, landscaping, sign design and placement. the DCR will also hear and issue decisions on all sign applications and forward their decision to the Inspector of Buildings.


The Planning Board appoints members of the Design Review Committee for a term of three years. Membership will consist of five members and one alternate and shall include an architect, a landscape or civil engineer, a Downtown District property owner or business owner, a member of the Main Street Steering Committee, and a citizen at large. 

Staff Contacts

Name Phone
Jennifer Copeland (508) 759-0600 Ext. 1347
Julia Gillis (508) 759-0600 Ext 1357

Board Members

Name Title
Marie Oliva Member (2025)
Douglas Shearer Member (2026)
Jeanne Azarovitz Member (2026)
David O'Connor Member (2026)