Kids' Corner



Fire Safety Tips 

Stop, Drop, and Roll

If your clothes catch on fire: stop, drop, and roll

Step 1: Stop
Step 2: Drop to the ground and cover your face with your hands
Step 3: Roll back and forth to smother the flames

The most important thing to remember is to stay away from fire. It can catch your clothes on fire. Only use “stop, drop, and roll” if your clothes are on fire.

Exit Drills In The Home (E.D.I.T.H.)

You always need to know two ways out of any room that you are in. If you are in a building and a fire breaks out and one of your escape routes is blocked by fire, having a second route could save your life. 

Crawl Low Under Smoke

Smoke and dangerous gases produced by fire rise to a ceiling in any room that is on fire.  As a fire grows more smoke and gas is produced. This smoke and gas rise and once at the ceiling, it spreads out. It doesn't take long before the the upper part of the room will be filled with deadly smoke and gas. Soon the only part of the room that will be cool enough for escape is on the floor. If you ever find yourself in a building that is on fire and filling with smoke, get on the floor and crawl out one of your two escape routes. Once outside, never go back in, instead, call 911 and report to your central meeting point and wait for the arrival of the firefighters.  Do not go back inside for pets as they may be hiding or have already escaped the house.

Central Meeting Point

A central meeting point is a designated location that all members of your family agree to meet at in the event of a fire in your home. Your central meeting spot should be in the front yard, so when the firefighters arrive they can see you and you can advise them if anyone is missing. Examples of central meeting points are the mailbox in the front yard or your neighbor’s front porch.


For fun activities and more safety information please see