Car Washes

CAr Wash

A “Car Wash” is an event where volunteers provide manual labor to rinse, wash and clean vehicles, and other simple car detailing services for a set price or open ended financial donation.

Interested in holding a Car Wash?

Submit a Car Wash on Town Property Application.

Car Wash Procedures

  1. To protect our watersheds, it is recommended car wash fundraising events be conducted with and at a commercial car wash.
  2. Car washes requested to be held on town property must be town affiliated juvenile/youth, educational or non-profit associated and are only permitted at the following locations:
  • Fire Station #3 in Sagamore Beach
  • Fire Station #4 in Pocasset
  • Town Hall
  • Jonathan Bourne Public Library
  • Veterans Memorial Community Center
  1. Only one car wash may be scheduled per Saturday, per allowed location.
  2. All car wash fundraisers will be postponed if any water district within the Town of Bourne has declared a partial or total water ban.
  3. Events must provide hoses and any other supplies that are needed for the event.
  4. Liability Insurance is not required, however Car Wash applicants waive all liability when holding such event on Town owned public property.
  5. Car wash run off and cleaning soaps are serious pollutants to fisheries and water quality, therefore it is recommended:
  1. Car washing events use water alone or in combination with biodegradable soap or phosphate-free cleaning agents formulated specifically for exterior car washing, that do not contain organic (carbon-based) solvents;
  2. Use soap sparingly. Use a hose nozzle with a trigger to save water; and,
  3. Dispose of leftover soapy water remaining in buckets into a sink, or toilet, not the street or storm drain.

Have questions, or need guidance?

Submit an inquiry form.