Integrated Solid Waste Management



Welcome to the webpage for the Department of Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM).  ISWM has had, and will continue to have, a large impact on the affairs of the Town of Bourne.  Many questions have been asked about its operations and how they affect residents.  We recognize these concerns and are committed to providing the residents of Bourne with the information they seek.  One way in which we hope to provide information to the community, is through the use of this webpage.  Please explore the different sections to familiarize yourself with our operations.
Listed below are other ways to learn about what we do:

  1. Residents are encouraged to arrange for a tour of the facility and the opportunity to discuss any issues directly with ISWM management.
  2. ISWM management periodically has cable TV shows on Comcast channel 13 to provide updates to the community and show new footage of the site.
  3. ISWM conducts open houses at the facility on occasion.  Please check this website and the local newspapers for an announcement about the next event.  If you'd like a tour, contact the office to make arrangements
  4. ISWM has been and will continue to be available for speaking engagements at civic organizations, clubs, and business groups.
  5. ISWM staff periodically appears before the Board of Selectmen, Board of Health, Finance Committee, Capital Outlay Committee.  Check posted meeting agendas to see if ISWM is scheduled to attend.
  6. Finally, we encourage you to read and view items listed in the “Reports & Documents” section of this website, as well as the "ISWM Videos and Website Links" section.  Included there are several presentations that provide detailed information about our operations and future plans.

We hope you find the information on this site useful and look forward to continuously improving its content.  Please feel free to contact us 508-759-0600, extension 4, or by email if you have any questions or comments.


Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Dan Barrett General Manager 508-759-0600, extension 4240
Asa Mintz Operations Manager 508-759-0600, extension 4243
Phil Goddard Manager of Facility Compliance & Technology Development 508-759-0600, extension 4241
Paula Coulombe Assistant Coordinator Finance & Recycling 508-759-0600, extension 4236
Jane Henzie Secretary 508-759-0600, extension 4235