Police Facility Building Committee

Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Police Facility Building Committee

June 29, 2016  3:30pm


Meeting called to order at 3:30pm by Chair Noyes

Members present: ; John O’Brien; Stanley Andrews; Jerry Ellis; John Redman, Dick White; Dennis Woodside; Charles Noyes; Don Pickard.  Absent Dusty Meier, Martin Greene.  Also present Det Sgt John Stowe

Also present from Kaestle-Boos Kevin Witzell, David McKinley, Suzy Schuck



Acceptance of minutes, Jan 13, 2016.  Motion to accept by Mr. O’Brien, seconded by Mr. Andrews.  Seven yes, Mr. Picard abstain.

Minutes of March 16, 2016.  Motion to approve by Mr. Andrews, seconded by Mr. O’Brien.  Six affirmative, Mr. Picard and Mr. Redman abstain

Minutes of April 13, 2016. Motion to approve by Mr. Redman, seconded by Mr. Andrews. Seven votes to approve, Mr. Picard abstain.

Site Selection

Presentation and discussion of potential sites with review of Queen Sewell Park, Coady Field, Library field.  Information presented by Kevin Witzell and David McKinley.

Review of meeting with Mass DOT regarding access in and out of Queen Sewell location. Discussion of potential right turn in/right turn out curb cut permit.

Discussion of single story versus multi story building on the three sites. 

Handout distributed by Kaestle-Boos listing all of the criteria utilized to evaluate the sites.  All three sites would support either building footprint.

Discussion of potential score sheet that the committee could use to select final site.

Members discussed site preparation on the three sites.

Kaestle-Boos was asked if they had a preferred site based upon their work to this point.  Mr. McKinley stated that the Queen Sewell site was the best site based upon potential expandability using town owned land and the co-location with a proposed community septic system.

Chief Woodside presented information regarding by-pass access now and in the future, along with Mass DOT resurfacing the roadway in 2018.  The Chief also shared a document listing the pros and cons of each of the sites.

After the discussion by the Committee during an approximately 45 minute period, a motion was made by Mr. Andrews and seconded by Mr. O’Brien.   A vote was taken and all members present voted to select and recommend the Queen Sewell Park location.  


Motion: The Police Facility Building Committee recommends to the Board of Selectmen that a portion of Queen Sewell Park, adjacent to the By-Pass be allocated to the siting of a new police facility for the Town of Bourne.  The land to be assigned to the police facility project be coordinated with the current waste water facility under development.

Community Awareness and Public Education

Suzy Schuck of Kaestle-Boos presented the committee with information regarding the development of a website to inform the community on the project.  A first draft will be distributed after the July 4th holiday.

Committee members suggested that a sub-committee for Public education be established during our next meeting.

Next meeting to be Wednesday July 13, 2016 at 3:30pm.

Motion to adjourn made by Mr. Andrews, seconded by Mr. Redman.  Unanimous vote, meeting adjourned at 4:40pm.

Prepared by Charles Noyes