Farmers Markets

Farmers Markets

A “Farmers Market” can occur on private or public property and is defined by the MA Department of Agricultural Resources as “public markets for the primary purpose of connecting and mutually benefiting Massachusetts farmers, communities, and shoppers while promoting and selling products grown and raised by participating farmers”.

Interested in holding a Farmers Market on Town Property?

Submit a Use of Town Property Application.

Farmers Market Procedures

  1. For Farmers markets proposed on Town Property, included with the Use of Town Property application must be a site plan, safety plan and a confirmed Farmers Market Manager.
  2. Market Managers must vet and approve the farmers and vendors for the market, and maintain a master list of vendors with contact information, what they are selling and confirmation that all required enhancement permits including additional requirements through the Health Department and/or Board of Health are compliant.
  3. Temporary signs, banners or publicly displayed promotional material throughout the town must comply with town building codes, and must be removed within 4 hours after each day the market’s hours of operation closes for the day.
  4. Portable Bathrooms and Handwashing Stations must be supplied for vendors. Markets may not be dependent on permanent restroom facilities located on or near premise of said market.

Have questions, or need guidance?

Submit an Inquiry Form.